Collecting, preserving & sharing since 1957.

Discover the rich local history and heritage of our beautiful region.

Take a tour through time.

The Kawartha Lakes Museum & Archives inspires and engages visitors through cultural exhibits, events, and community partnerships. Come experience our region's rich history through meaningful displays and high-quality rotating exhibitions.

Recent Exhibit Launches

Are you interested in reading your history as it appeared in the Lindsay Post? Are you looking for information on past events, family members, or businesses? View our digitized issues 1900-1974 of the Lindsay Post below!

Visit Our Gift Shop.

Explore the heritage of our region through the many local and cultural crafts and products available through our gift shop. Stop by at the end of your tour through the Kawartha Lakes Museum & Archives, or shop online any time.

Our Programs

Here’s an example of what you can expect to receive from us.